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Buyer's Guide
What if you run out of an item?
  From time to time we may have to substitute an item listed or shown in the photo.  This may be due to packaging changes, vendor changes, or supply issues.  Please be assured that any substitutions made will be equal or greater in both value and quality.
How do I buy/redeem a gift certificate?
  To purchase a gift certificate for someone, click here. If you are the recipient of a gift certificate and would like to redeem your gift certificate, click here.
How do I find my product?
  To find the product(s) you're looking for, you may (1) use the navigation menus on the top, left & bottom of our website. (2) type a keyword into the SEARCH box. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact customer service for assistance.
How do I navigate the site?
  There are categories across the top of our page. Choose how you'd like to shop: Looking for a Birthday gift? Choose "Shop by Occasion". Need to send a cheese board? Choose "Shop by Gift Type". There are just a few baskets in each sub-category drop-down menu. If you have an idea of your gift budget, the easiest way to see every gift from every category in that price range is to choose "Shop by Price".
If you need to customize your gift, please call 908-272-3737 to speak to a basket specialist.
Do you provide coupon codes?
  No, we do not.  Our pricing is very fair for the market and we don't feel we have to entice customers with additional "bargains".